Hypovolemic Convulsions

A sudden inimical encounter

A collision of adversaries


Survival mechanisms contend

Mortality shall ensue as murderous weapons are unsheathed

Combatants lunge forth with vicious intent to kill

A fit of violent slashing halted by a series of well placed thrusts to the abdomen

The twisted war blade mutilates the flesh and causes severe arterial trauma

Entrails spill to the ground and blood is now pouring from the lacerations

The wounded creature collapses, now in the throes of involuntary reactions

Hemorrhaging, vomiting, twitching and writhing from the hypovolemic convulsions

The body can not endure

The act is not complete

The assailant begins to carve

At the flesh that is still intact

The creature begs for the end shrieking

No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No!

Now a pile of defiled innards lay before the victor

A piece of viscera will be kept as a token of triumph amidst the war of scorn