Cult of Scorn


Will of the holy law

Omniarch, vengeful goddess

In her name we exact reprisal

Dress the sacrifice for the flaying

Her omniscience awaits her offering


The planet will be blackened

Terrorize the enemy state

Impose the wrath of retribution

An orchestrated plague

The seeds of contempt will soon be harvested

A war incited by an ancient grudge

Through slaughter and enslavement we will rectify

Lurking in the darkness we conduct our incursions

Ancestral extinction

Discriminanda flesh will adorn our dwellings

As the ancient scripture did decree

No armistice will be sought

No mercy will be offered

The future holds only punishment for the opposition

All hail the Cult of Scorn

All hail the omniscient one

Her reign is eternal!

We will secure our ascension

Through agressive expansion

Inflict the tide of suffering
